TSplus complete Remote Access software suite
Ts+ for IT Professionals

Tsplus gives you the ability to remotely run applications, access desktops, provide support, and more… without breaking your budget.

tsplus remote access logo gray gradient

Remote Access and Web Application Portal

The best value-for-money and the simplest Tsplus remote access alternative to Citrix and RDS.

tsplus advanced security logo gray gradient

Cybersecurity for Windows Servers

All-in-one tool to prevent cyberattacks of your IT infrastructure and stop intruders.

tsplus remote support logo gray gradient

Remote Assistance and Screen Sharing

The ideal cloud-based software for providing attended/unattended assistance to remote clients.

tsplus server monitoring logo gray gradient

Monitoring & Reporting for Remote Servers

Track your servers and websites’ health in real-time to troubleshoot issues faster with ts plus.

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Ts+ Remote Work Server Monitoring Remote Support Cybersecurity Remote Access made simple

Our family of software covers a wide range of remote access needs.
And they all share the same core values ↓


Remote access solutions doesn’t have to be expensive. Reduce your IT costs and focus on what matters the most.


Our licenses are perpetual and won’t expire. Once you buy a TSplus software, you own it. Forever.

Fast to deploy

Save your time and money with our quick deployment process. Going to production shouldn’t be a hassle.


Our software are always up to date with the latests security standards to keep your servers protected.

User friendly

Find all the features and tools you need, centralised in one multilingual and easy-to-use interface.


We successfully provide solutions for large and well-known companies. No challenge is too big.


Ts+ mission

Most remote access, cybersecurity and screen sharing solutions are excessively expensive and complex for most small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) — which can leave them vulnerable to security threats, reduces their productivity and risk slowing them down when they need to move forward.

That’s why we focus on a single driving principle: making the world’s apps and data secure and easy to access – Anywhere. At any time. On any device or network, without breaking your budget.

Years of experience
Average review rating
4.8 / 5
Average cost savings

Why would you choose Tsplus App?

  • Download Tsplus web portal. The Best Alternative To Citrix, Propalms, Thinstuff, GoGlobal & WTS
  • Ts+ Available for Win XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10 and Win 2003-2019 Server Operating Systems
  • Low cost, high value, excellent performance and easy to use tsplus gateway solution
  • No Terminal Service CAL required, neither Terminal Service license manager
  • Advanced Application Control on per users and/or per groups
  • Tsplus remote work fast one way files transfer between the User PC and the Server
  • Secured and safe user connections, no need of VPN & MPLS
  • Extended remote printing capabilities thru the TSplus Universal Printer
  • Load balancing and Failover up to ten servers within one farm
  • Seamless Application Publishing and Remote App (Full Desktop)
  • Internet Web Access using IE, Chrome, Mozilla or any browser ..
    Supports upto 32 bits colors, dual screen, bidirectional sound, USB redirection
  • Hide Server drives and folders.
  • TSplus enables Multi-sessions, Load Balancing, Universal Printer, Seamless Remote Application, Application Control and more without the need for Citrix, GoGlobal, Propalms or TSE!
  • Without touching a single line of code, you can instantly make your Windows applications accessible from any device; like Windows Terminals, Desktop Computers, Linux / Unix Machines, Macintosh, Thin Clients or even in a Web Browser.
  • TSplus is the fast, simple and affordable solution that eliminates the complexity of other alternatives such as Windows Terminal Services (WTS), Remote Desktop Services (RDS), 2X, GoGlobal, Propalms or Citrix Presentation Server.
  • The easiest, plug-and-play solution to Web-enable or publish your applications. It just takes 5 minutes to make your ERP / CRM / application published over the LAN or Internet. TSplus client is the simplest and most affordable solution you can get!
Ready to dive in? Start your free trial today.
Try the software of your choice for 15 days. All features included.
Easy setup – No credit card required


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  • What is TSplus software?
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Tsplus 2024 – Preparing For the Unknown

In 2018, the World Health Organization created a report detailing how a future pandemic might spread, what kind of virus it might be, and where it might originate. This report’s purpose was to advise entities worldwide (governments and organizations) what a pandemic might look like and how they can prepare. However, the WHO didn’t make any firm predictions on when this pandemic would occur because they didn’t know; no one did.

Without a concrete timeline, many organizations didn’t pay too much attention to the report, thinking they had longer to prepare or that preparing for a mystery pandemic was wasteful when there were more critical issues to address. But that’s not to say all organizations were unprepared. The shift towards Tsplus and associated endeavours like digital transformation was already well underway before the pandemic. The issue was, not all companies were engaging with these technologies at the same rate. Some companies could support mass-scale remote working, but many couldn’t.

Tsplus 14 remote working became the new normal during the pandemic, and all current research indicates that it’s here to stay. According to a survey by McKinsey, wherein 800 corporate executives around the world were questioned, 38% of remote workers are expected to continue working remotely several times a week. The shift has also been positive for employees – who report having a better work-life balance. According to another McKinsey survey, office space managers expect a 36% increase in work time outside the office. Tsplus server genius may have started as a temporary solution for new users, but it’s accelerated the move towards a new and more permanent way of working.

With Tsplus remote app here to stay, companies now have to battle with how it shapes business processes, culture, and IT systems into the future. The companies who are proactive, investing in nascent technologies, cloud-based access, and agile infrastructure, will be better prepared to weather future challenges than those who shy away from the challenge.

In this guide, we detail three critical elements of preparedness you can use to evaluate your company.

How Prepared Were You? How Prepared Are You Now?

How prepared was your organization for the sudden shift to working from home? Did you already have a plan in place for events like this? Were your employees able to seamlessly transition to remote working? Or were you clambering for a solution in the moment?

The companies that shifted to remote working without experiencing major issues had several things in common:

  • They already recognized the value of remote working.
  • They had infrastructure designed around flexibility and scaling.
  • They had endpoint management solutions, meaning they could easily manage and secure personal devices.
  • They had already migrated data and applications to the cloud.

These factors meant that switching to Tsplus mobile app and desktop remote access was a painless process. Organizations could change to remote working overnight, with little or no disruption to employee workflow. On the IT side, computing-related disruptions were rare for these companies. IT workers didn’t have to use a medley of solutions to get the organization to where it needed to be. For managers and senior ranking employees, this seamless transition meant they could focus on combating the other pressing issues surrounding the pandemic, like shifting market pressures, supply chain disruption, and changing consumer behavior.

Most of these organizations didn’t implement these technologies to prepare for a future pandemic but were instead responding to the technological shifts over the last decade. The evolution to remote working and agile infrastructure was already happening, primarily due to advancements in WiFi networks, mobile technologies, and tech entrepreneurs. These pressures will continue to shape the future of remote working technologies, but it’s also accurate to say that the pandemic massively accelerated this effort. Some reports indicate that COVID-19 has accelerated the shift to remote work by 5 to 10 years above the expected trajectory[2].

Regardless of whether your company was prepared or unprepared for the dramatic shift, you will likely have to accommodate these changes now and into the future.

Getting it Right the First Time

Most organizations experienced some teething problems when employees began accessing applications remotely and en masse. The most critical aspects companies needed to manage were:

  • Ensuring security and compliance.
  • Ensuring IT personnel had visibility and control over the network.
  • Sustaining critical business processes.

This was a challenge for many companies. IT teams had to ensure that access to data and applications was carefully managed and that data leaks could be avoided. They also had to massively scale up access to core systems and applications while remaining IT compliant. They had to do all of this overnight, with no real room for testing and risk assessment.

Are You Ready For What Comes Next?

This next section should be used as a guide to assess whether your organization is ready to support large-scale remote work in the future.

Security and Compliance

Security and compliance requirements are universal and unconditional. They don’t change because your servers go down or because a natural disaster disrupts normal business processes. Companies need to proactively invest in tsplus security and compliance technologies that protect data and systems regardless of circumstances. Some examples of these technologies include single-sign-on (SSO) tools, multi-factor authentication, data governance, web filtering, browser isolation, and more. Additionally, tools like zero trust VPN alternatives are a great way to provide company-wide access to applications safely and securely.

Critical Business Processes

Employees must be able to work and carry out the critical business processes regardless of changing external events. A dramatic snowstorm or potential human-made threat shouldn’t grind the company to a halt. If a major disaster were to occur tomorrow, would your company be able to transition without issue?

Ensuring you are prepared means wrapping up all data repositories, workflows, applications, and services into a single environment that can be shipped out to employees across devices, locations, and networks. It’s about providing a comprehensive remote working digital package that allows employees to thrive. During the pandemic, many companies relied on janky VPNs or simple mobile access to data. While this approach allowed employees to get started, it’s not an ideal way of working. You can’t get the most from your employees if they have to fight for access to the applications they need to do their job.

Visibility and Control

Visibility and control are paramount to keeping things working today and enabling your business to thrive in the future. During times of crisis, visibility and control are even more essential because you are more vulnerable to threats. Here are some of the technologies that can cultivate greater visibility and control for IT systems in a Tsplus 2fa remote working environment:

  • Machine learning algorithms that create behavioral profiles on specific users. These algorithms assess user interactions with applications, networks, and files and can spot unusual behavior. When the system identifies a threat, it can shut down the system because nefarious activity occurs.
  • Flexible and scalable infrastructure to provide resilience in times of crisis. Companies can adapt to change much more quickly with a flexible and scalable network.
  • Intelligent workplace monitoring software that can gather real-time data about application performance and provide actionable insights.
  • Comprehensive digital workspaces with unified endpoint management, demand-based scalability, and zero-trust digital parameters.

Conclusion – What’s the Verdict?

The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of working, and it’s here to stay. The benefits of Tsplus have been experienced across the board. For employees, they enjoy a better work-life balance. Organizations save on office space, utility bills and enjoy the benefit of a happy and productive workforce. With remote working here to stay, companies should invest in remote working technologies if they want to future-proof their company.

Power Up Your Remote Working Capabilities With Tsplus

Click here to view Tsplus pricing

[1] https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/03/pandemic-coronavirus-united-states-trump-cdc/608215/

[2] https://which-50.com/pandemic-has-accelerated-shift-to-remote-work-by-5-to-10-years-say-local-tech-leaders/