All-in-one solution for Remote Access and Web Portal
TSplus 10.10 release announcement:
- TSplus 10.10 processes have been optimized to eliminate the CPU requirement. This is important for servers where many sessions are started. With this major improvement, TSplus becomes the best solution to handle a large number of concurrent users on a Windows system.
- Since the upcoming Microsoft Creator Automatic Update is going to remove key components of its newer version of Windows 10 Basic (Home edition), it will not be compatible with TSplus anymore. So, if you own a Windows 10 Home version, you will have to upgrade to a Windows 10 Pro in order for TSplus to work.
- Universal Printer: The Universal Printer has been completely rewritten to provide a faster and reliable local printing solution. With TSplus 10.10, the local printers mapping function is set as default when using the RemoteApp client.
- The TSplus Client Generator has been completely re-written and improved:
- – It uses the local PDF Reader to print the documents and the new PDF format created by the new Universal Printer driver.
- – Old generated clients will remain compatible with the new Universal Printer driver.
- – We added a time limit feature: for example, the generated client can be valid only for 15 days.
- – A checkbox has been added to remove the option “Allow to save my credential”.
- The Farm Manager feature has been enhanced: A nice-looking wizard was added to monitor the farm production.
- On the load-balancing feature, you can now see the load-balancing per server to disable/enable the incoming connections to a selected server.
- Please keep in mind that any server of a farm must own an Enterprise license(visit our TSplus License generator guide for complete details).
- RemoteApp: Users of the RemoteApp now benefit from automatic updates. When using the TSplus 10.10 Remote App client, the logon prevents the use of an “empty password”. The goal is to enhance the security. The user’s credential becomes mandatory and this avoids the need to access the Windows server side logon page.
- HTML5 enhancements: The TSplus HTML5 client improves the user experience; it includes a nice top menu, which is now docking back on top when the user is selecting one of its tool. It also brings a new option for customization of the keyboard input box when clicking on entry field from Tablets or Smartphone. Besides, the code for Web uploads has been re-written to allow multiple selections and files transfer from the server to the user’s workstation, as well as the support of long file names.
- All 9.90 known issues have been fixed and this release is including all of these fixes.
TSplus 9.90 release announcement:
- Background customization: in the Session opening preference tile, the administrator can now change the color background AND add a logo or a background image. This is a nice new feature specially when using HTML5 with the Floating Panel.
- More languages have benefited from updates: English (UK) Polish and Hungarian.
All known 9.80 issues have been fixed, such as:
- Adding a background logo does not reset the AdminTool language anymore.
- The Remoteapp crashing when used with a single application should no longer occur. The logonsession.exe has been changed to prevent this issue in any situation.
- The application launching has been fixed: when publishing an application with parameters and/or from a non-system disk, an error message “file not found” could be displayed in version 9.80.
TSplus 9.80 release announcement:
- Background customization: in the Session opening preference tile, the administrator can now change the color background AND add a logo or a background image. This a nice new feature specially when using HTML5 with the Floating Panel.
- The backup/restore server parameters located on the server tile of the AdminTool has been enhanced: more configuration settings are being saved when you backup/restore features.
- Improvement of the TSplus HTML5 client: Enhancement of the clipboard handling, support of very long file names in file transfer.
- The system Audit has been changed to avoid false warnings.
- The LogonSession program now prevents the over-use of the CPU when several sessions with only one application published are connected.
- All 9.70 known issues have been fixed and this release is including all of these fixes.