All-in-one solution for Remote Access and Web Portal
TSplus 12.20 release announcement:
The TSplus team is proud to offer the release of Version 12, which introduces a brand new AdminTool interface designed with 3 qualities in mind – Speed, Security and Simplicity.
Many functionalities were enhanced, reorganized and simplified for smoother management and administration.
- A modern and user-friendly design: At once clean and functional, using modern design language to make management a breeze for administrators.
- An easy and intuitive navigation and simplified management: Menu Tabs are now displayed in a bar on the left. The AdminTool has been reorganized to make access to critical functionality more visible.
- Home page: The home page offers a real dashboard, displaying the most important information about your software and allowing quick actions on your server. It also includes an automatic audit of your system to make sure everything is running normally as soon as you start the AdminTool.
- Applications: The Application tab is a new addition to the top level menu that creates a central management console for application publishing.
- Printer: Printer Management now has its own tab, with access all Universal TSplus Printer Edition settings in one click.
- Web: All Web Portal, Web Server Customization and Web Administration parameters are centralized under this tab.
- Farm: Set all Farm Manager settings from this tab (only with TSplus Enterprise Edition).
- Sessions: Set all parameters and permissions for your users sessions from one single place.
- System Tools: Access all your server, users and groups properties from this tab.
- Advanced: Quickly and easily add specific parameters directly into TSplus program code.
- Add-Ons: Integrate additional programs to benefit from the ultimate Remote Desktop Solution with RDS-Knight, Server Genius and the amazing new Two Factor Authentication tool!
The 2-FA Add-On is an amazing new TSplus Enterprise tool, integrated as a 10 day TSplus trial. Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security and prevent access to your users’ session even if someone knows their password.
It enables a double authentication by combining two different factors:
- The user credential (Logon/Password)
- One security code provided by something each user immediately has at hand: His Smartphone with an authentication app such as Google Authenticate.
Two-factor authentication is available for the TSplus Web portal only. For more information, check this documentation.
TSplus 11.70 release announcement:
TSplus Alternate Shell: Following the October 10 Windows Update, administrators allowing their users to start a Remote Desktop saw the Windows shell as an issue. The main problem resides in the session opening/black screen issue when a complete desktop is assigned to multiple users on Windows 10 and Server 2016.
To protect our customers, we decided to invest in a technical solution which is eliminating these Windows shell issues: The TSplus Alternate shell. It provides features and graphical experience similar to Windows 2016 Windows shell, such as the display of the 2016 Start button and taskbar. Therefore, on W10 or 2016, TSplus remote users can enjoy the Desktop experience on the latest’s release of Windows version without experiencing Windows shell issues.
Thus, for administrators managing 10 users or more on these Operating Systems we recommend you activate the WinXshell alternate shell on the Session Opening preference tile located under the Server tab of the Administrator Tool:

It is now possible to speed up users logons by disabling per user services on the Session Management and Local Group Policies tile:

Application Control: Customization of the minimized buttons display is now possible on the Customize Taskbar tile under the Applications tab. You can either show or hide Systray Notifications area and specify minimized buttons positions: on the right side, the centre or the left side of the screen. The administrator can even decide to display it on top of the user screen instead of the default bottom side: