TSplus Advanced Security is not a security audit solution. However, we pushed further the security events logs by allowing to trace the last two thousand and five hundred events, which should offer a more relevant alternative to a full audit solution.
The security events are a great source of information as they display the operations performed by TSplus Advanced Security to protect your computer.
The Events Viewer window can be opened from the TSplus Advanced Security main window, by clicking directly on the last 5 events displayed or on the Events tab. The information displayed on the Events Viewer window are refreshed automatically every few seconds.

Note that the example above ilustrates real life bruteforce attacks attempts managed by TSplus Advanced Security. The description often explains why the action was performed or not.
As illustrated, retaliatory actions are often written in red and highlighted with a red shield icon. The list of security events presents four columns, which describes the severity, the date of the check or performed operation, the associated feature icon and the description.
Note: The TSplus Advanced Security Events Viewer window can be moved around and does not prevent you from using the other TSplus Advanced Security feature.
The five tiles at the top of the window displays a status for each TSplus Security features.

In the example above, the One Click to Secure Desktops status shows 5 user session configured. Also, the example warn that the Endpoint Protection and Device Control feature is not enabled. The status are displayed according to the security events recorded. The window title highlights the oldest security events.
Plus, a deep global search is now available in order to find specific events quickly. It is also possible to copy the event message and the IP Address, unblock an IP address, OR unblock and add to IP Addresses Whitelist by right-clicking on it: