Advanced Features Session

Overview features

This section of the Advanced feature tab allows you to configure user rights and aspects on their sessions.


Desktop features for all users

Enable a full Desktop for all users by selecting the “Yes” value on this window, then click on save:

advanced desktop

Application Command Line

Application Command Line can be specified on client side. This Advanced feature is enabled by default. If you wish to disable it, select the “No” value on this window, then click on save:

advanced command line

Remote Application Menu

Remote Application Menu will be added on user’s PC. This Advanced feature is enabled by default. If you wish to disable it, select the “No” value on this window, then click on save

advanced remoteapp menu

Remote Application Menu Title

You can modify the title of the Remote Application Menu. The default one is “My Remote Applications”. If you wish to modify it, enter the desired title, then click on save:

advanced remoteapp menu 1

Background color

Customize the user sessions background color using a COLORREF code (for example, the default one is: 10841658).

advanced session background color

Use "All Users" desktop shortcuts

Copy the shortcuts existing in Windows shared desktop in the Taskbar and Floating Panel. Enable this feature by selecting the “Yes” value on this window, then click on save:

advanced desktop shortcuts

Fallback application path if no assigned application

Run this application if no application is assigned to the user when he logs in. There is no value by default. Enable this feature by entering a “Yes” value on this window, then click on save:

advanced fallback application

Disable the daughter process handler

Skip daughter process search when launching applications. It will cause premature logoff if a published application uses daughter process. This feature is disabled by default. Enable this feature by selecting the “Yes” value on this window, then click on save:
advanced disable daughter process

Force logoff if no assigned application

The user will be automatically logoff if he has no application assigned to him. This feature is disabled by default. Enable this feature by selecting the “Yes” value on this window, then click on save:

advanced force logoff

Allow screen saver

This feature is disabled by default. Enable Windows screensaver by selecting the “Yes” value on this window, then click on save:

advanced screensaver

Download target folder

Downloaded files will be put on the Desktop by default. If you wish to modify it, enter the desired download folder’s path, then click on save:

advanced download target folder

Upload target folder

Uploaded files will be put in this folder. If you wish to modify it, enter the desired upload folder’s path, then click on save:

advanced upload target folder

Use Windows Shell

Define Windows Shell as default shell. This feature is enabled by default. If you wish to disable it, select the “No” value on this window, then click on save:

advanced windows shell

Force WinXshell

This feature is disabled by default. Force WinXshell alternate shell instead of the default shell by selecting the “Yes” value on this window, then click on save:

advanced force

Add a delay when the session is opening

Add additional waiting time at user session logon to get everything initialized. Default value is 0. If you wish to modify it, enter the desired value (in seconds), then click on save:

advanced session delay

Daughter process wait duration

Time to wait (in milliseconds) before searching for a daughter process when lauching applications.

advanced daughter process wait duration

File browser

The selected application will be displayed to the user for file selection. Default browser is Windows Explorer. You can use the TSplus file browser by selecting it, then click on save:

advanced file browser

Use WinXshell when required

Authorize system to use WinXshell alternate shell instead of the default shell when recommended. This feature is enabled by default. If you wish to disable it, select the “No” value on this window, then click on save:

advanced use