Terminal Service Plus can work on your PC and here is the minimal recommended hardware:
Each server (physical or virtual ones) can potentially handle up to 50 concurrent users. For over 50 concurrent sessions, we recommend using a farm of servers with the Load Balancing feature available in TSplus Enterprise Edition (Remote Access).
Note: The exact specifications of your hardware will depend on what kind of resources (CPU/RAM/Disk) your applications consume.
Your server must use one of the operating systems below:
- Windows 7 Service Pack 1
- Windows 8/8.1
- Windows 10 Pro
- Windows 11 Pro
- Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1
- Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2019
- Windows Server 2022
32 and 64 bit operating systems are supported.
The required framework is .NET version 4.5.2 for all supported Windows versions.
If you install Remote Access on a Windows Server OS make sure the RDS/Terminal Services and RDS/Terminal Services Licensing roles are not installed before installing TSplus Remote Access.
If these roles are currently installed, remove them and reboot.Windows Home Editions are not supported.
On Windows Server 2016, 15 sessions maximum are allowed for Remote Desktop access.
Windows Server 2019 Essentials Edition does not support RemoteApp.
N.B: TSplus Remote Access LTS 11 supports Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.
The Remote Access Server must have a static private IP address:

Remote access (from Wide Area Network – WAN)
- A broadband internet connection is recommended as well as a static public IP address. If you do not have a static IP address, consider using a dynamic DNS service like http://DynDNS.org
- The TCP RDP port (by default 3389) must be opened both ways on your firewall.